Thema: Städteplanung
A city’s creativity doesn’t depend on cars. That’s the 20th century. We’re in the 21st., Anne Hidalgo, Bürgermeistrin von Paris, Frankreich
Thema: Städteplanung
The automobile city is the anti-city which annihilates the city wherever it collides with it., Lewis Mumford, Architekturkritiker und Wissenschaftler

-- von  Lewis Mumford , Architekturkritiker und Wissenschaftler

Quelle:  The City in History (1961)

Zitat-Link: https.//

Thema: Städteplanung
The private motorcar's effect on public space, especially the space of the urban street, is that the space becomes meaningless or even maddening unless it can be subordinated to free movement., Tom McDonough, Professor, Binghampton University

-- von  Tom McDonough , Professor, Binghampton University

Quelle:  n.A.

Zitat-Link: https.//

Thema: Städteplanung
Railroads concentrate population. Automobiles and airliners distribute it., Wendell Willkie, Jurist
Thema: Städteplanung
When we build our landscape around places to go, we lose places to be., Rick Cole, Urbanist
Thema: Städteplanung
Most people seem to think that the parking spaces come out of thin air. But just because the driver doesn’t pay for it doesn’t mean the cost goes away. That cost is paid by everybody, including people who don’t own the car., Donald Shoup, Professor UCLA, Stadtplaner